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Overcoming Self-Doubt

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

So before Christmas I decided to make a big investment and bought an embroidery machine, it was a HUGE thing for me! I hummed and harred if it was the right thing to do, but I have wanted a machine for years!

It all started when I was pregnant with my eldest daughter (again at the Dorset Steam Fair) and a lovely lady personalised a baby grow for me, I was amazed at this machine quite literally moving on its own! It was like some sort of wizardry, and from then I had this idea in my head that I needed a machine like that in my life.

So fast forward 5 years and I finally have my embroidery machine, I was soo excited when it arrived and the box was nearly as big as me! After I had set it all up, it suddenly dawned on me that I actually had no idea what to do with it.

This huge overwhelming sense of SH*T what do I do now?

So after a few weeks of playing around and using my girls clothes as 'practice' I felt like I knew what I was doing, well the basics at least.

So my next step was to get some real things to embroider, they arrived and again I was mega excited to get going.

I made a few bits and pieces, then plucked up the courage to advertise them on my personal Facebook. I had some super lovely people order and I was so grateful that they entrusted me to make something for their babies.

All of a sudden it felt like I had been smacked in the face with all these awful thoughts like "what if they hate them" "what if I ruin it" "I can't do this" "why did you even bother buying it" - as much as these thoughts were making me feel terrible and that I wasn't good enough, I just couldn't let anyone down (after all they had trusted me to make it).

Is it just me that gets massively overwhelmed by intrusive awful and untrue thoughts?

But I know that the best thing to do is always ignore the thoughts, and crack on.

So last week I gave myself a kick up the bum, I am good enough and I can do this!

I pushed past the thoughts and added personalised comforters and personalised taggie blankets to the website, embroidered a hoodie for a beautiful gymnast and some lovely rompers (which may be on the website soon.. watch this space).

So if you are struggling with self doubt, ignore it!

You are capable of anything you put your mind to!

And a huge personal thank you to everyone for supporting me, my friends family and customers x

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